Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Musings in the Night.
I've had a pretty uneventful day.
Then again.
For it to be eventful something really eventful would need to happen... like...
I don't know, a disaster of some sorts including flying ants or naked women.
and cows with megaphones.
All this i imagine just outside of the school gates: around 1000 males screaming and running. Thier green blazzers flapping about, being trodden on under the stampede...little children still attached to them.
But i'll digress from the darker sides of my fantasy.
This post, unlike all the ones before, has no real or unreal meaning. Which means, really, that i get free reign with things that i'd usually fomalize for "appearances" like...
1 g3t t0 t41k l1k3 th15 2 u. 1 1nder h0w 1ong 1 c4n 3xt3nd my u|3|3er p0w3rs 4.
1 4m th3 m45t3r 0f d3c3pt1on.
1 c4n p14y w1th th3 f0rm:
th3n wh4t3v3r
1 typ3
b3 411
Ah well. I really can't be bothered with that vocation anymore.
But it was fun while it lasted.
I'll finish with a poem im making up on the spot =)
there once was a dilema
that met a girl called emma.
on a phone
they answered or hungup
on the same rings
broke the same things
would write incomparitavley, convolouted and convexing sentances
that missed the rythm
or the message.
But both found happiness, in that thier names would rhyme.
and emma
would be first in line.
but packages get crossed (with similar names) and words that hurt were slung.
neither had the option, dil rung emma
emma rung dil.
again, still, one hung up.
the other answered,
and had to shout. hard. at the recorder.
Hope you enjoyed my midnight musing. =) it's 12:32 now... and i'm signing off.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
A blog for my diagram!
Old topic really, im sure we solved this a while back, you know.. the god thing.
But i don't think everyone understood what i was on about.
The blog can be found at Irreconsilable God and more playfully (i love it) at God exists!!?!11
but, no problem for thos who didn't understand...
I was listening to some mucis and reading a book... then...
bang. I visualized this diagram.
No really...
So. Quite simply i have tried to illistrate a few things:
God is both in and out of logic... (this is stupid)
The idea of God is very close to being falsified... and proved (which is stupid)
This is better shown by the "viewpoints of consideration" - depending on how you consider the concept of god (blue) and the argements (red) will god be proved.
In short -and this post is short, courtesy of jamie and james attention span- argueing over god is pointless because we all consider it differently.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
The answer to human nature and the meaning of life.
Simply put, the question of human nature is the question what is man, his essence and purpose, his meaning. In fact the question of human nature is on the same par as the meaning of life.
So, what is the meaning of life? I say, the meaning of human life is itself a search for meaning. That may seem like, perhaps, a self evident answer, or a "cop out" but read on, there are real reasons at hand.
To be human, I put it, is to fall short of perfection. To try so hard and fail, the phrase could apply, “I’m only Human!” So, when asked as to the answer for what is human nature, it is simply to make mistakes, to not be perfect, but to strive. We as a race will strive for the objective truth of what is right what is meaningful, to search for that perfection. In essence human nature is an imperfect nature.
By perfection I mean to the extent that it fills its purpose The perfect hammer is that which hammers well.
This imperfection hasn’t arisen in animals because an animal’s nature is defined by its function and moreover, if a function it appears to not have, it lacks the consciousness to assert that – for that it is perfect within its own nature. Even within their imperfection, perhaps the plant doesn’t photosynthesize with the fullest efficiency; their function is as perfect as it can be over the evolutionary period (because that is its function). We, like the animals are driven to reproduce, to spread our genes as all biological organisms have as an intrinsic function. Yet we draw the line with that as a function, our nature as man may conflict with that idea, we step away from the mere reproductive mechanisms and search for meaning in that, a use and its possible repercussions. Again, even when we appear to have the option of asserting our nature as simply a reproductive one –to bypass all the issues- we as a race are able to shun it, question it.
You may have noticed that I am asserting man as a group, a collectivised species. Perhaps the issue is that to see ourselves as a group means we should have group agreements. Man as an individual, imperfect still, may find his purpose in meaning. Man in his quest for purpose asserts himself as an individual and frees himself from all other opinions and values. The nature of man again can be seen as one in search for meaning; it may just be that we cannot do it together. If the subjective nature of meaning is inherent, then embrace it as an individualist assertion and disregard all other ideas of meaning.
When we look at how human society has developed, with all our disagreements and variations it seems obvious that the subjectivity of right and wrong has wrought itself into our standards. Man’s search for meaning poses a poignant dilemma, how meaningful is something that no one else cares about. (a taste of imperfection there)
I care about knowledge, for me this is the most meaningful thing in all existence, ever; I cannot see anything else more great. However clearly many people would disagree, money seems like a meaningful substance. Sex, drugs, music (I’m going to avoid rock and roll) is all some thing people see as meaningful.
Man is an imperfect species, purely for the ability to question itself and thus search for other meaning and purpose; however, any meaning man asserts is imperfect in that not all agree. The perfection is lost.
Imperfection, sadly, seems to characterize all aspects of our life. They can be seen in the institutions of a society: Our education system which sees some children prosper and others fail. Our government, which, it is well known, can make bad laws and do the wrong thing. Our prison system is questionably a help or a hindrance, aiding to reform those criminalised or furthering their criminality.
But what is left after noting that we are imperfect, if all our actions are ultimately undermined by our nature? It seems that if we can discuss the idea of perfection, and in some cases attempt to carry out what we see as perfect, so we can see an ideal and aim for it, surely, then, we should be able to act to degrees of perfection. If we have the ability to strive, to assert and to question then we must have a degree of perfection, or at least perfection with a pinch of salt. It seems to be attainable that we should strive for the smallest degree of perfection, even if the dilemma still faces us that others disagree. If we embrace individualism and the search for meaning - we have human nature.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Dearest Sprog.
infatuated in the wonderful world of...
Virtual SHIT.
The only difference being the fact that blogging, is actually rather enjoyable, and some people may actually benefit from it, so im not going to rip you in this blog, maybe next time?
Seriously now though, Farmville. Please. Mother of all that is untainted with the impending catastrophe that is going to unfold if the viral spreads ever farther, forcing those nice people who own a REAL farm to trade it in for a VIRTUAL farm, inevitably leading to the destruction of mankind, stop notifying me everytime one of my several hundred friends 'moves on up' in Farmville.
Many thanks.
The voice i would mimic is the pig from shrek.
It's not that i don't want you to play the farmville game...
I just don't want to be updated every time you get sucked in. The effect is a viral... you masterbate over it... someone catches you.. and then they do the same.
Well stop..
Updating me.
I got a message from a friend, on face book, "soso" likes you status. Which read like the above..
So i go on there to thank him, to praise him. I want to pat him on the back and be like, we're in this together..
I don't want to help you find a camera... an fbi agent..or anything...virtual
I want you to find a brick and to plough it through you hardrive.
I want you to put your ecstacy fingers in lawnmower and then to paint a picture..
at least that's something i'd click "like" and comment:
Hey, that's a really impressive feat. You put those farmville/mafia people to shame.
if only.
But there aren't an martyrs for this one is there.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Irreconcilable God.
I wish to show the inconsistencies of responses to the claim "god does not exist because of X attribute."
Any argument against god targets what is understood by god to formulate an argument against him existing.
Any response to that argument is based on what that person understands to be god, and what is understood to be being attacked.
There are potentially infinite arguments.
There are potentially infinite responses.
By responding one creates a finite set of attributes to god. E.g. he gives free will/he predestines us. he is all powerful/all knowing/all loving. he is timeless etc etc etc there are so many
The amount of attributes created are so great that they are not all mutually compatible. Over the years people have responded to the potential infinite arguments, they all come up with contrary or self defeating answers.
there are three answers to this
Maybe one person is right. (This would be self defeating because they are denying another persons faith for their own.) This is suggested by the many different religions.
At one point every attribute has been accepted. At one point every attribute has been denied.
This leads to. God does not exist, he is created by the people around us.
People, although they claim to, do not know what they believe in. (this is self defeating in terms of what a religion teaches)
The reason these arguments appear here is because the concept of god is constantly under change. Through argument attributes are ascribed to him, arbitrarily tagged and removed for the purpose of argument. So in this way the "features" of God at anyone time can change. This further the claim that through argument no true position can be met.
Thus the only position a believer can take, without denying someone else's god, or responding contrary to their beliefs: is fidiesm. a position where exclusively rely on faith.
For me, the burden of proof does not work. I do not need to try an prove god does not exist by argument (the burden of proof). As i have just shown with the above, it is pointless.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Our social vibe is not racist... It's race related.
i chose one with water
but seriously..
the block kid
the black kid?
is that really necessary
do we need a small black underdeveloped child to smile through water..
just to get people to click..
i love it
he looks demonic almost
or she
i cant tell
arent they all bald in africa?
lmao. im so racist.
sponsored by loreal. and theres a bald kid.
holy shit..
we should totally blog this
haha, set it up and we'll do it next time i come up
His teeth.. are waaaaaaayyyy to good.
he should be makin a charity for me..
and my teeth
they're beter that both of ours!
people will hate us after they read it you know.
it's like he has just polished them
do you think they use a model black kid....
or.. they just grabed one from a village without water... poured water on hs head
so he was
i think we will be shot if we publish this.
if there is a god were going to hell.
... if there is a god..then probably...
but... if black humour
maybe a little sympathy
then we r givin water to the rich model black child ... in africa...
with white teeth.
i dont care. we will still be shot for this. atleast.
should we not support the water thing ?
maybe an anti gun charity?
in some ghetto
no we can, just not blog so nastily about the black kid with no water. isnt it sick how they say black kids have no water yet they are pouring water infront of his face into the ground and the kids grinning.
if we blog about it we should blog more about what the picture shows than black people themselves
yeah.. thats how i think they got such an imahhe
.. well dude..
ive done the blog.
no really.
llook at the draft.
im going bed.
dont change it.
thats class
we should just keep it like that.
that, my friend, we should embark on together.
and some form of defence incase we get sued.
call u 2moro!
The two parties in this awesome blog, do not condone anything.
As we said earlier.
Its not racist, its race related.
On facebook, the ever wondrous social networking site with an astounding array of applications using personal (private) information. Has finally caught me. I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of pushing "allow access" for a facebook application to my personal stuff. But by the sounds of it I don't need to!
Recently i have been appearing all over my friends facebook accounts as a fan!
A fan!
on my friends...
a fan.
a friends.
Just by typing comments, viewing picture... etc.
Wikipedia tells me I'm "someone who has an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club, person ..."
"intense, occasionally overwhelming liking" what, like an erection... like a stalker-ish suprise...
Maybe wikipedia and facebook didn't realise that half of the people im a "fan" of are women... (hehe or maybe they did) and i coincidentally commented on their profile recently saying, bluntly, you have penis envy... (a freudian joke)
But no. Very intense. Surely a real supporter.
dictionary.com sheds even more light... "fan2-noun" a "enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc."
thanks... im a devotee and a follower... im not devoted to them... im a devotee. Check that...
and finally..
just to rattle my cage a little more.
They want me to become a fan.
Relativism and a slow changing world
The point I'd like to pose is that we as humans we are prone to conservatism - that is - our systems take a long time to radically change. This occurs in an era of radical individualism and thus inevitably relativism.
The absence of any radical change is implicitly bad. Our systems have not occurred because of systematic rigorous testing to achieve any optimal degree of perfection, but have been developed slowly overtime. As you will realise by the end of this - all social change is slow.
The other reason why this lack of radical change is bad lies in the point earlier of relativism, largely from individualism. We all have different beliefs and values, not all of these are in line with the current systems. However this is balanced by the idea that the system we live within shapes our culture, and so beliefs and values.
This essay insofar has suggested that people all have different experiences, values and beliefs. It has been implied that the systems we live in shape that individualism, thus our values - "culture" may apply here. As these are self reinforcing then radical change is going to be severely hampered. Moreover, the plurality of people, with their own beliefs people will find dislikes in a system or have preferential systems with which they regard as better, or they believe in more.
Support and reinforcement from what i am saying comes from the CIA library.
Chapter 2 looks to psychology for how our perceptions are established and sustained.
A quote from here says:
"Mind-sets tend to be quick to form but resistant to change."
This establishes the idea that once we form our beliefs, they are difficult to change.
Any change economically, socially and politically will be slow.
Change would largely be catered by these conditions:
(a) Not only must people recognise what is wrong with a system to correct it, but they must be willing to change it.
This point has problems, 1.many people are not able to clearly "see" or understand a system. 2.They are not able to create points that would improve it. 3.As they live within that system it is likely their willingness for change is small.
(b)As these three systems are plurality systems (by that i mean, they are systems that an enormously large amount of people use) so (a) must occur within more than one person. There must be enough people to bring about that change.
(c)They must have some form of similarity, agreement or recognition of problems. This is hindered by 2. and 3.
(a)and (b) and (c)are not likely to occur.
However this does not have to be the case.
If (a) occurs then (b) follows. I (a) and (b) it is likely (c) follows.
Knowing this, how do we incur radical change?
Before we begin... It might be prudent to say that generating change is as difficult as suggested above. More so when your trying to change the speed that things change.
The answer comes from looking at our formula. If we modify (a) and it's associated problems then (b) and (c) are more likely to follow.
The fastest way for (a) to change the economic and political world would be over the internet. On tap knowledge and views. Lighting fast technology and coordination.
Socially this is already achieved, the concept of memes largely transfers the idea of an evolutionary model into culture and what makes up the culture. Google it, it is a fascinating social science.
Politically there are more problems to address. Mostly, the western system is a representative democracy with a narrow remit taken over by an agenda which is often dominated by the prime minister (in the uk) or the president (as of the us) and large lobbying groups or interest groups. It is certainly the case in the UK and US that those political parties who gain power are unlikely to change it to a system where they lose it.
The biggest problem of radical political change aside from the above are the voters. Their inability to boycott the system or vote for parties that wish to cater change. Moreover (b) applies here especially in the context of 3.
In short, the current layout of those two systems does not favour change.
for the political system to embrace change a higher level of political awareness is needed from the public. And votes need to be proportional towards the power of parties. (however this should be approached with caution because of 1, and 3.) and parties need to be much more transparent with their objectives.
Either this form of proportional democracy allows for greater change or...
a direct democracy. The most powerful medium for expressing political views, choosing difficult decisions, building policy etc. is the internet. Unhampered open sourced policy created for and by the public on an easy and factually correct format.
Direct democracy can be realised through the internet.
lastly concerning the economic system.
A larger awareness is need of the economic system for (a) to ever happen.
As this system affects every one's life it must change within the political system t be legitimate. The economic systems must change due to informed representative decision making.
Again, this is limited by 1. and 3.
so in conclusion. ...and as im getting restless as usual..
The internet should be embraced for (a) to occur.